672 Wallace St Garage
York, Pennsylvania 17401

Large storage garage available.  

Inquire about this property     Apply Now

Listing Agent: David Parlett
Telephone: 7173244091
Email: david@Davidparlett.com

Property Type: Select Property Type
Attached/Detached:  Detached Home
Floors:  1
Year Built: 1900

Large Garage for storage on east end. Deposit $125

Please use the "apply now" button on company website to complete and submit a free application before requesting a tour. After submitting the free app AND seeing the property in person if you are interested in moving forward then we ask you to complete a paper application which we give you at the property along with a $60 application fee and copies or scans of photo ID and proof of income. This places the property on hold for you while we review the application. Once approved within 1-2 business days we then ask for a deposit to hold the property and remaining balance and least start within 2 weeks of that.


Dogs Allowed: No
Cats Allowed: No




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contact us

All Stiles Real Estate, LLC

361 E. Market St. 1st fl.

York, Pennsylvania 17403

Telephone: 717-845-5099

Email: allstiles@comcast.net